Added a "Copy Link" option to the Tasks contextual menu.Audit records can now be exported to a CSV file.Previously this would show size-based differences due to the absence of extended attributes despite that those were deliberately not copied. Fixed a minor apparent discrepancy when using the "Verify files copied by this task" feature on a NAS volume.Task groups can now be specified via the "Run another task" option in Advanced Settings > Postflight.Enhanced the search feature in the CCC Documentation window to offer an option to search the current page for matching text, or to execute a search of the entire CCC Kbase.Previously this was an option, but presenting both at the same time seems to be what most people are looking for. The Dashboard now shows both "last run time" and "next scheduled run time" for each task.due to using an old USB hub or non-USB 3.0 compliant cable). Every Mac that is supported by macOS Catalina has native USB 3.0 support, so now CCC's Copy Coach proactively warns when a source or destination is connected via USB 2.0 (e.g.Task History events now show information about how many files and how much data was removed from the destination (in addition to how many files and how much data was copied to the destination).
#Downgrade mac os error free
disk usage, free space) as the task progresses. You can click on these to see details about the source and destination (e.g. The Source and Destination selectors are now enabled while a task is running.light or dark, independent of the system setting). Added settings to choose a specific appearance (i.e.Added an option for a light background for the sidebar (i.e.Added navigation buttons to the CCC toolbar to make it easier to get back to a task after making volume configuration changes (e.g.Right-click on the CCC menubar icon to access this menu. open CCC, run a task, quit the Dashboard). Added a contextual menu to the CCC menubar icon for "quick access" functions (e.g.Added an option to reveal the Advanced Settings persistently in the main window.Fixed an issue in which CCC was unable to create files and folders in some OneDrive-related folders on the destination.Also fixed an errant subtask timeout that was occurring during postflight verification. Fixed a cosmetic accounting issue that was making it look like more files were re-verified than were copied.A CCC "Standard Backup" provides a more comprehensive strategy for regularly-updated backups. when migrating to a new disk, or setting up a sandbox test system). Please note that we still recommend using this procedure only when making a copy of the system that you intend to use immediately (e.g. CCC now ignores the error and completes the task. In the final release of 12.3, that failure is now innocuous.

In earlier beta builds of 12.3, that failure rendered the destination unmountable.

macOS 12.3 introduced a problem that causes Legacy Bootable Copies of the system to fail on Apple Silicon Macs.Fixed an exception that was causing tasks to fail with no clear reason when a task was configured with a remote Mac source or destination, and the specification for that remote Mac was missing a "volume name" attribute.